Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And now I humbly present...


Not as good as Meg's, but I had to do something when I saw that picture of Will and Ben!

DBF out!


  1. HAHAHAHA "Blunderkind", love it!! The horse race one was brilliant, as were the first one, the last one... and basically everything in between. (;

  2. Thank you, thank you. When I was looking at your funny pics yesterday, I thought, "We should have a special name for these." And then I had a revelation moment: "Blunderkind." I had thought about doing a theme song set to the actual Wunderkind music, but I could't come up with anything. So I did these. Glad you liked! :)

  3. You're very welcome! Blunderkind is absolutely perfect. Hahaha, a theme song would be so amazing! We should definitely invent one.
